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C/TFN Peacemaking Circle Training Program

2017 - Present
CLIENTCarcross/Tagish First Nation


For many years the Carcross/Tagish First Nation (C/TFN) has had a vision of providing peacemaking circle training in their communities. Thomas is helping them to make this a reality. Thomas has provided them with support to lay out the vision, obtain outside funding, and build the project team. Thomas’ main role has been to support a group of C/TFN Citizens and staff to form a team to implement this project, leaving significant capacity within the community.
The first Phase of the Peacemaking Circle Training Program involved 4 courses (3-days each) in topics such as learning traditional values, understanding the causes and impacts of trauma, non-violent communication, and the practice of peacemaking. In each course, twenty-five people have participated. 

“Thomas has the ability to make every person feel valued and heard, no matter the size of the group. Thomas has earned the trust of our community. Our citizens welcome him onto their Traditional Territory with open hearts."


Ashley Carvill, 

​C/TFN Program Manager


Ashley Carvill, 

​C/TFN Program Manager
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