The V2K Warriors: Creating a Youth Lateral Violence Workshop
2015 - 2016
CLIENT ~ Kwanlin Dün First Nation
This initiative was first imagined by Marilyn and Thomas after doing workshops with Elders and adults at KDFN. Everyone left one key message upon leaving these gatherings: please connect with young people in our community, they are hurting and they need to have a voice in this. So we wrote up a proposal for funding to Crime Prevention and Victim Services Trust Fund and United Way Yukon, and away we went.
A group of six youth were recruited to develop and facilitate their own workshop for other youth, which they did. The youth also came up with the name for their project—the V2K Warriors. Two of the youth, Aurora Hardy and Teagyn Vallevand have since started their own company and are offering workshops and Blanket Exercises in communities across Yukon.
"It was awesome learning from Marilyn and Thomas. I really liked how they
incorporated traditional and modern teaching techniques. Creating a Lateral Violence workshop together was a unique and genuine experience."
Teagyn Vallevand